Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spiritual Reconnection: John Muir Wilderness

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Nature and spirituality are profoundly enmeshed. I am always astounded when people try to think of themselves as separate from nature. We are interwoven in this beautiful and complex system of mutually interacting biological organisms. *Researchers found that spending quiet time in forests reduces anxiety, depression, anger, confusion, and general fatigue and improves our immune […]

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Winter Solstice Meditation

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December 21 is the Winter Solstice; the darkest day of the year. The word “solstice” comes from the latin words sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still). Solstice refers to the way the sun seems to pause in the sky at these turning points of the year. What better time to find a bit of […]

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Covid -19

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Due to concern for the well-being of all my students, all in-person Yoga and Meditation classes have been (temporarily) canceled. I hope to resume all classes as soon as it is safe to do so. Stay well. Take 5 slow breaths. Do some shoulder rolls. Interlace your fingers, flip your palms, raise your arms overhead […]

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Schedule Change

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Please note that, starting the week of 8/11/2019, I will be offering Beginning and Level 1 on Mondays and Fridays at Old Town Yoga in Clovis.  I hope to see you!

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Ooooby Box: Easter Egg Radishes!

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So my first Ooooby box arrived, and I was so excited. My produce looked beautiful. But included in my box were items I would have never purchased on my own (ie: radishes and turnips). Determined to use everything in my box, I washed the veggies, and prepared them for my lunch.     The radish […]

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Spring Greens

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We recently signed up with Ooooby, a  local & organic food delivery service that makes weekly deliveries to the Yoga studio I work out (Old Town Yoga in Clovis, CA). Ooooby offers a convenient way to support local growers and eat more healthy. Seeing so many happy people return week after week to collect their box […]

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Easy 3-Day Ayurvedic Mini-Cleanse

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Invite lightness and mental clarity with this simple 3-Day Ayurvedic cleanse involving one of my favorite foods: Kitchari   This is a monodiet consisting of nutritious whole grains and good quality, easy to digest protein. Each day begins with a mug of warm water with lemon and ends with optional Triphala to support proper digestion […]

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Ayurveda Fall Challenge

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It’s Autumn! With the changing of the season comes the return to school (and, for many of us, the return of Autumn allergies). With this in mind, I offer you a 14-day Ayurveda challenge! Ayurveda, the science of life, is Yoga’s “sister science”. Ayurveda focuses on aligning our lifestyle with the natural rhythms of nature. […]

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Upcoming Classes

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Library Yoga has Returned!

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Yoga is back at the library for Summer. Please check out our new times. As always, loaner mats are available for your convenience. We’re expecting to add an evening class in July, so please stay tuned!

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