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Summer Class Schedule

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My Summer schedule will be changing weekly. Please keep checking back. You may also follow me on Facebook or Instagram  Here’s my schedule for June 4-10 <3  

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Yogic Breath & Nadi Shodhana

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Breathing consciously is a powerful act. Nadi Shodhana, in particular, is extremely helpful in balancing the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) and parasympathetic (rest-and-relax) branches of the nervous system. Calm the mind, balance the nervous system, by simply breathing? Yes! Here’s how:   First things first. We need to learn how to breathe deeply and smoothly with a […]

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Digging Into Downdog Workshop!

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How would it change your practice to feel light and strong in Downward Facing Dog? How would it feel to know you can transition in and out with confidence and strength?  Let’s learn how to make Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) and related poses work best for us.   This workshop will include:   Learning how to overcome […]

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The Welcoming Practice

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The Welcoming Practice is a gentle, yet powerful, contemplative practice intended to nurture inner transformation. The practice, which finds its roots in the Contemplative community, has the capacity to carefully draw us out from our habitual reactions and help us move through challenging or painful experiences. I first learned about the Welcoming Practice while attending […]

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Private Yoga Sessions: What to Expect

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Private Yoga sessions are different from group classes.  Private sessions are a true partnership between student and teacher, with each session being patiently cocreated. Prior to our first meeting, I will send you a student intake form to help me plan safe and effective sessions. Are there any injuries I should be aware of? What […]

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Vata Time of the Year

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According to Ayurveda, Yoga’s sister science, Autumn is considered to be the “vata” time of the year. What this means is that life is in transition. The weather is changing. Air tends to be drier and winds begin to pick up. To work in harmony with the season, we turn towards poses and practices that ground, […]

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What’s In a Name

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Recently a friend asked about spiritual names. Many Yoga teachers have a spiritual name that they use, often it’s something given to them by their senior teacher (guru). Years ago, when I began the first 200 hours of my Yoga teacher training journey, the topic of asking our main teacher, Baba Hari Dass, for a spiritual name […]

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Please Take My Yoga Survey

As your Yoga teacher, I am here to serve you throughout every stage of your yoga journey. As your needs evolve, I want to offer you the yoga experience that aligns with your needs and schedules. I appreciate you taking a moment to respond to this brief survey. See you on the mat!   Create […]

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Establishing Your Home Practice

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Attending Yoga classes is a wonderful thing. Yoga teachers are trained to provide you with a supportive and safe place to explore a wide variety of yogic postures, practices, and exercises.  But we also want to encourage you to develop your own home practice. It doesn’t have to be much. Just a few minutes every day. […]

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Springtime Reflections

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The 2015 season of Sierra Foothill Conservancy Yoga classes have drawn to a close. Last Friday we offered the final fieldtrip of the year (for 60 incredibly enthusiastic 2nd graders). The week before we offered the final Yoga Hike to our wonderful adults. Looking at the preserve today, the green grasses have all turned brown, crunching […]

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